We, the members of The National Pawnbrokers Association, having committed ourselves to contributing to the professional and personal development of member pawnbrokers, advocating pawnbroker rights and responsibilities, and enhancing and promoting a positive and professional image to the public, do hereby adopt and embrace the following Code of Ethics.
Each member must:
Strive to conduct their business in such a manner as to enhance and promote the positive and professional image of all pawnbrokers.
Maintain their place of business and its operation in a manner that will reflect credit and professionalism on the pawn industry.
Transact business with customers and the general public in an honest, forthright manner making service with integrity a constant goal.
Engage in fair and vigorous competition to stimulate the continued growth and evolution of the pawn industry.
Obey all laws enacted by the local, state and federal government and assist in the prosecution of those who do not.
Strive to establish positive and long-lasting relations with our local, state and federal government officials.
Maintain a united commitment to respect and protect the constitutional rights and the financial well-being of Association members and their customers.
Assist the National Pawnbrokers Association in promoting a positive image of the profession.
Strive to promote the Association to potential new members and provide assistance to the Association in its efforts to increase membership.
Assist the Association as requested in its day-to-day operations, participate in its annual elections and cooperate in special projects and investigations.
Endeavor to maintain a financial commitment to the Association.
Align with the policies and procedures of the Association in a manner conducive to the benefit and welfare of the Association, its members and their customers.
Information provided by the National Pawnbrokers Association